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Improving Recruitment and Retention for Local Governments Today

Improving Recruitment and Retention for Local Governments Today One of the biggest challenges for local government in today’s workplace is employee turnover. The loss of department heads and other senior employees creates organizational vulnerabilities and destabilizes productivity ultimately impacting service delivery. This is not news to many of you experiencing vacancies. A better question isRead More

Improving Workplace Climate: A Recruitment and Retention Strategy

Improving Workplace Climate: A Recruitment and Retention Strategy Nearly three years after the start of the pandemic, U.S. cities and counties still face challenges in recruiting and retaining good employees. In North Carolina alone, 61% of local governments report higher numbers of unfilled budgeted positions since the pandemic, and over half report increases in turnover.Read More

The Importance of Succession Planning and Plan Components

The Importance of Succession Planning and Plan Components Call it the “Silver Tsunami” or the “Great Resignation”, there are many vacancies in local government positions and planning for those anticipated vacancies is important. The current labor market is tight and many positions in local government are specialized, requiring unique skill sets. Couple that with lack ofRead More

Checklist for New Managers

Checklist for New Managers ICMA provides resources for people at all stages of their local government career, but first-time administrators have unique challenges as well as new opportunities. The first thing first-time administrator should do is read the First-Time Administrators Handbook: In addition to this resource provided by ICMA, GovHR has prepared the listRead More